Thursday, May 27, 2010

Rose III


Ok, here is Rose #3. I promise I will paint something different next time...hummm. But what? I am still planting all of my flowers and still have to go and get a few more. Then after they are all planted, it is time to weed and feed.

Have a Happy Memorial Day those that celebrate our holiday and to those that don't have a great weekend everyone.

Look for me in the garden.....


  1. Very nice watercolors, they are really well done... I bet my dad (Julian) is jelous of you paintings... thank you for join my blog. I like you work.

  2. Pinkfiktion, Thanks for stopping at my blog. Your dad is a great painter. I especially like his watercolors. He has a great sense of humor. Is he always that way?
    We like to inspire each other and laugh together. Did he tell you about MPDR?
    I wish my eyes were strong enough to see more needle work. Now I can not do that anymore. Take care!
