Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nature's Path to Spring

watercolor 7 x 11 matted 12 x 16

Another little watercolor. I must be in a green period. I know I will be painting flowers next since I have just begun to plant my gardens for this season. So if you can not find me, look for me in the garden.


  1. I was looking for flowers in your watercolor but I coudn't find them in any case your trees are provocative I can note how you are trying to discourage me so that I can't go on painting more watercolors. You will not suceed. MPDR. I'm also very busy putting drip irrigation in my garden, then I'll plan some tomatoes less beatiful than flowers but they can be eaten. MPDR. Now are growing some flowers and I hope to paint some of them. Ah!, I almost forgotten to tell you I like a lot your watercolor, the trees, grass and its atmosphere. Well done Kathy.

  2. Kathy,
    If there was a drop or two of water in the painting I would have called it reflection series.. LOL..
    This is very very lovely.. The way you have been handling greens/foliage in these paintings have been very refreshing..

  3. Jullian. Flowers are coming. I just had to walk through the woods to get to them. MPDR You better paint more wc! I love your works. You are really loose with them and this is good. I will be really busy too with the gardens. I wanted to work on that today, but it is raining here :(
    I checked out your daughter's blog. nice...but then windows keep opening up...20 of them. I couldn't stop them. Tim finally fixed it for me. lol. So when will we begin to see paintings of tomatoes? If they are not good paintings, then we will throw tomatoes at them. MPDR

  4. Prabal...What a good idea. I could make a puddle in the road. That didn't sound right...I could paint a puddle in the road. Yes, then it will be refrection series.

    I am surprised at the greens too. I do not like painting in them. But sometimes we have to paint outside of our comfort canvas :)

    Thanks for your comments...always!
