Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Crossed Over

Watercolor 14 x 21

In this painting I decided to use the principal of "The Golden Means" which is basically a way to divide your paintings and it is the relationship to the parts.
Any way you look at it, I wanted to capture the logs in the water as they were crossing over each other. Still trying some more reflections.


  1. These fallen trees are the center point of your painting. The X made by trees crossing keeps eye at this point. Very good solid piece yet fresh and airy.

    Thank you Kathy,

  2. Hi Irina, They say X marks the spot...maybe there is a hidden treasure there...well I thought so and that is why I painted it. This is a really neat place (a treasure) to paint and not too far from where I live. It is awesome in the fall. I should find me a painting buddy and go there on location...when it gets cool. It is supposed to be in the 90's again here with the heat index @ 100. I think I will wait.

    Thanks for stopping by and for your comments. Paint on!!

  3. Hi Kathy, this painting dosen't have red enough. Why did it so?, only for bothering me. MPDR. But at reality, I think you've done a great work and quite hard. I can see you made negative paintings in many places. I've been looking for the treasure, but I'm afraid I won't be able to find it. What on earth is the golden?:MPDR
    Anything you can paint, I'm be able to do it worse without any strive,
    Your fervent slave

  4. Hi Julian...the red was there...I think it got washed down the river..or maybe I ran out of red on the other paintings. MPDR I love to negative paint. I have a new one that has lots of neg. painting that I will post soon.
    Your treasure is where you heart is...but then you do not have a heart so you are in trouble.
    The "golden means" do I have to teach you everything? MPDR It is a way of dividing your painting. Look it up on the internet. It has to do with thirds and how everthing is related. Heck you might be golden too. No, my mistake, that is because you are in your golden years. MPDR
