Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Fall Barn

in the beginning was the sketch which was done
from a photo that I took in February...I decided
to change the seasons.

watercolor 14 x 21

This is the finished painting.

This is actually the first wash. Yes...all of this.

This is almost the finished painting. The finished

painting it at the top.

It was so nice to be working on 300# Lana wc paper with my Holbein paints. I thought I better start some fall scenes for the new show that I will be hanging soon at Scarborough Fare Cafe-Schererville, Indiana.


  1. Beautiful painting! It was a nice thought to change the season :)
    The colors are brilliant and my best wishes for your forthcoming show!

  2. a knock-out painting kathy! great to see the progress views - love seeing those! and the first wash...very impressive work! thanks for sharing. tom

  3. Hi Ramesh...thanks for stopping by. Now you see the value of a good value sketch. You can change it anyway you want. I was in one of those moods where I actually needed something bright.

    Hi Tom...is the painting bright enough for you? lol. It was good therapy for me after that convention. I have one all sketched out for tomorrow...another barn.

    Wish you and Ramesh could come and see my new works at the restaurant when I hang them. Heck, I would even treat yous to lunch :)

  4. Kathy, you make it look so easy! this is masterful, and beautiful, thank you for sharing. : )

  5. great fresh clean bright coors :) wonderful painting!

  6. Hello Nancy and Meera, Thanks for "falling" into my blog. Glad you like the painting. I am working on another right now...yeah, they are bright...especially if you compare them to my snow scenes. Sometimes it is good to change palettes.
    Take care and happy painting :)
