Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pumpkin Pie

watercolor 14 x 14

Ok, there is one piece of pumpkin pie left. Who will be the first to grab it, gets it. No fighting now!!


  1. Your pie is right on time. Thanksgiving is in a few weeks. Oh, so delicious!

    thank you Kathy. This series is making me so hungry :)

  2. Kathy this pie needs a bit of chocolate, therefore I couldn't eat it. MPDR. Fortunately your watercolor is a good work.
    Greetings and until your next surprise.

  3. Hi Irina...Isn't time flying by fast. It is now fall, but it will be snowing before you know it. Thanks for your comments and for stopping by.

    Hi Julian...I will not give you my chocolate!!! You get pumpkin pie with whipped cream only. I could get you some chocolate whip cream. MPDR.

    I have something new to post, but I have some fun facts to go with the painting. I only had 2 hours of sleep last night so I am going to bed now. I am giving a demo at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana. Sat., Sept. 25 at 2 pm.

    Come back tomorrow everyone!!
