Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today's Glass Demo @ the Chesterton Art Center -- Chesterton, Indiana

watercolor 15 x 10-1/2

Today I held a workshop on how to paint glass at the Chesterton Art Center in Chesterton, Indiana. I tried to make it as simple as possible and I still wanted it to look like a watercolor and not a photograph. The whole class did really well and they were surprised that they could do that whole background in one wash. They all completed their paintings so everyone went home happy.

Even though the day began with it raining, by lunch the rain let up and we were all able to walk over to the European Market. I bought myself two beautiful bouquets of flowers that I might do paintings of. I also took a bunch of other photos. A few of us hit the antique shop after class. It was a great day.
Now I am going to the studio to either paint or frame. An artist's work in never done!!

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