Sunday, October 24, 2010

Burning Leaves

watercolor 14 x 21

Fall is really in the air here in Indiana. Can you smell the leaves burning?


  1. Beautiful watercolor painting Kathy! Yes, I can almost smell the leaves burning. Love the rustic colors..

  2. Wonderful hues and a beautiful composition!

  3. hmuxo, glad you can smell the leaves..LOL. I have been trying new palettes of colors. That is always fun.

    sadia, thank you too...glad you like the composition. I was just happy that I was able to pull the smoke off. That is using the white of the paper.

    Come back and I will post something new in a few days :)

  4. Thanks SKIZO for stopping by to comment. I am packing up my car now to get ready to hang a show of mine tomorrow morning at a gallery in Indiana. I will be able to relax once it is hung :)
