Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Winter Storms Are Coming

watercolor 14 x 21

This is another watercolor of the same area as my last post...the Indiana National Lakeshore. I am conveniently located about 45 minutes from the dunes, about 45 minutes from Chicago and about 45 minutes from the country. Is this the place to live or what...Well, it is for me. Enjoy!!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Indiana Dunes

watercolor 14 x 21

This is a painting of our local dunes. Love this place and love to paint it. Enjoy!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


I think you might have seen this painting in my pie series, but I wanted to say Happy Thanksgiving to all of my Blog friends. I thought sending you a piece of pie would be a great way of saying "Thanks" for your friendship and for all that you have shared with me. Enjoy the day...Happy eating.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

demo of 3 colors

watercolor 7 x 11

Here is another little painting that I did for my students last week. I used Neutral Tint, Venetian Red and Raw Sienna. Try this combination and see what happens.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

3-color study-class demo

watercolor 7 x 11

This is a little demo that I did for my students last week. The assignment was to use a limited palette. I gave them three colors: Neutral Tint, Venetian Red, and Raw Sienna. They used a composition from their own sketchbooks. They found this to be fun and the critiques that we had in the classes proved that it was worth trying.

Try it, you might like it too!!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Fall in Indiana

watercolor 11 x 15

At the Illinois Watercolor Society's members show about a month ago, I won a merchandise award. Part of it was this wc block. This is one I never tried before so I thought I would see what I can do on it. I loved the techniques I was seeing the oil painters using and I wondered if I could catch that look in watercolor. I felt that wc did not have to always be transparent, loose and light in value. I wanted to try to get texture into my painting. I did not use opaque paint. I just used less water. Enjoy!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fall Harvest

watercolor 14 x 21

What can I say about this one...I think it speaks for itself. Enjoy!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Path to Indiana's Fall - step-by-step

watercolor 11 x 15

A few weeks ago I won a merchandise award with the Illinois Watercolor Society's member's show. One of the things that I won was a block of Stephen Quiller's 300# paper. This is a block by Jack Richeson. This is a new size for me and I thought I would try some new techniques. Who says that all watercolors have to be soft, light and transparent. I love a lot of the work by the oil painters on Facebook so I thought why not try to see if I could catch that look in watercolor. I have 4 in this series so far. I am trying to catch the textures of the foliage.
The colors are not as true to the painting. I have a new computer and a new program for photos. So until I know what I am doing...enjoy.