Thursday, November 11, 2010

Fall Harvest

watercolor 14 x 21

What can I say about this one...I think it speaks for itself. Enjoy!!


  1. This is really really soooooooo lovely.. The light here is just perfect. The composition is winner. It is a pleasure to watch this.

  2. Wow Kathy, it is hard to believe that this is in watercolors: it is so solid, so beautiful, so almost oily.
    I love the dark background. Reminds me old Netherlands Art School.

    Thank you,

  3. I am scared of using so much darks in my watercolour. But you have balanced it so well.
    nice one !
    what fruits/flowers are these ?

  4. are SOOOO kind. I am happy with this one and may put it in my kitchen until I put it in a show or something...

    Irina..yes, sometimes we just have to make them more solid. It depends on the subject. I would love to paint in oils but my love is in watercolor. of my favorite sayings that I always tell my students is..."Don't be afraid of the dark" you can really pull a painting together by adding these rich darks. I try to get a dark established as soon as I can in a painting so that I can key the painting to it.
    These are gords and some made up flowers. I did not use any masking fluid nor did I use any white or opaque paint. I painted around the flowers. It was a challenge, but it was fun.

    Thanks to all of you!!!

  5. Thos is gorgeous...great contrast!

  6. Hi, Kathy, I suppose the fall harvest is something related with the celebration of thanksgiving. But in any case, this painting doesn't looks like a snowed landscape. It isn't time yet?. MPDR. I love the background and its colors and I keep watching your watercolors in spite of I don't put any comment, dear friend.

  7. Thanks so much arti...I always say...don't be afraid of the dark :) come out in the dark...MPDR. Glad to see you again. Thanksgiving is just around the corner, then Christmas :) But people are beginning to get ready for Christmas now...even the stores.
    I am working on the snow scenes already and you will be seeing those too. Then I will throw a snow ball at you to wake you up. You need to get on FB. There are so many great artists there and I am always posting new painting on it. Thanks for stopping by :)
