Wednesday, February 9, 2011

"Do You Car-rot All? Top 50 watercolor blogs!!

watercolor 14 x 21

Here is the third painting in my cherry series. Tonight my husband and I were at the grocery store and I was getting veggies for a big salad that I want to make for some friends that I am having over on Friday. My dear hubby laughed when he saw all that I was purchasing...he thought it was for another still life....Great idea!!

Come back for more salad.....

I was just informed by Lisa Clark that I made it in the top 50 watercolor artist blogs. Check out this extensive list of blogs on watercolor. Great inspiration and I am honored!! Also check out some of the other articles that she has on her blog about health care. Bookmark it!


  1. Wonderful and witty!! I took a look at all your post, and I am impressed. Beautiful work.

  2. I just love your are terrific! Thankfully I just discovered you and your paintings, blogs, website! I tried one of your is my favorite but can't find it so far on your blog. Haven't finished looking! Your blog is so fun...great sense of humor. The painting I tried came up under a google I did, something like watercolor barns. It is crisp and wintry and lovely. THANKS!! Kathy Lipman
