Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter My Friends!!

watercolor 18 x 24

Just a loose watercolor done from a live Easter Lily on a different kind of paper than what I normally use. It gives a different effect.

May your day be a blessed one!!


  1. Kathy, me gusta. Yo prefiero pintar en modo suelto.
    Kathy, I like it. I prefer to paint loosely.
    I wrote in Spanish in case you didn't understand my English.MPDR.

  2. Excelente trabajo Kathy. Muy sutil y muy bello.

  3. Hello Julian and Jose...since I do not know spanish I will just make up what I think you wrote...I think you say...Kathy this is great you are such a talented young artist. MPDR lol. Glad you both liked the painting.
