Thursday, April 28, 2011

NYC Gal Visits Chicago

watercolor 10 x 12

This week for the challenge we had a photo of this woman from New York City who had blond hair. She seemed to be sitting by a water fountain and she was checking her phone or ipod. We were able to do what ever we wanted with it...well, I made my gal have brown hair and she was sitting in front of Buckingham Fountain. Instead of the phone, I gave her a sketchbook and some pigeons to draw. I did this because it reminded me of the early 70's when I went to the American Academy of Art in Chgo. Funny, when my students saw it yesterday they said it looked like me. lol. Notice I gave her bell bottom jeans.


  1. Great painting! The woman looks great!...Daniel

  2. Thanks Daniel... that is a great compliment coming from you. I really ADMIRE your work. Take it easel. K

  3. Great painting Kathy. I love how you are catching the light and wind. All it once in one little shot of the woman reading.. And there is definitely a story to tell :)

    Thank you,

  4. Hi Kathy, this is a lovely paining!!!

  5. Thanks Irina... It is the windy city and I am glad you caught that feeling. She is not reading...she is supposed to be sketching. Infact, that is supposed to be me. lol.

    Thanks Dipti for your comments and for taking the time to write them :)
