Thursday, April 14, 2011

"Winter Reflections II"

watercolor 14 x 21 Working with photos that I shot in February, I completed this snow scene. Glad we finally have some spring weather. We'll need to look at these snow scenes in July and August to cool off. Enjoy!


  1. Thanks Kathy for your refreshing watercolor. I had that to use it, several times, here in Madrid the temperature is 85FÂș and I haven't achieved cool me. I'm afraid your watercolor not work. MPDR.
    But the reflections in the water, yes.

  2. Some times you are too funny Julian. 85 is about what I is around 50 here.
    I am doing a demo this Sunday at 2 pm. Let me know if you are coming to it and i will take you to lunch. MPDR. Thanks for your comments. :) See you on Sunday???

  3. Kathy,
    Again another lovely snow scene. Here in Bangalore also it is quiet hot now a days. Unfortunately the snow will melt out here. :)

  4. Prabal, where have you been? Swimming to keep cool. It is spring here so it is not hot yet. Still jacket weather. Flowers are beginning to pop their heads up from the gardens :))
