Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Walking the Pier" - Navy Pier-Chicago

watercolor 14 x 21

I felt inspired to paint this painting from a visit this past summer. I loved how the sun was shinning onto the walkway. It is such a neat place to be anytime of the year.


  1. I can not avoid it. I say you that is a good watercolor, with a quite strong contrast. After seeing it, I begun to feel warm and your painting remember me to one of a famous painter. I have looking for at museum of Prado, but I didn't find it.MPDR.

  2. Olá, passei para conhecer seu blog e suas telas me encantaram, vou seguir, pois gosto de coisas boas. Um abraço, Marta. Venha me visitar também, será muito benvinda.

  3. Wow Julian..I know how hard that is for you to say that this is a good watercolor. MPDR. I am in museums all over....yeah right.

    Hey I liked your kitten painting. I was looking for it on the challenge page. I tried to leave a comment, but I kept getting all kind of spam and a dating service. I am sure Tim does not mind me dating...but I don't have time to date and keep a husband. MPDR :))

  4. Marta, Ola' I have no idea what you wrote but thank you. Maybe Julian will translate it for me.
