Saturday, June 18, 2011

Balancing My Time

watercolor 12 x 16

This was the challenge for this week. We were to do a painting of stacked items...balancing them with design and color. So, (sew) I went into my study and looked at my sewing table. I had some pairs of pants that need hemming. I decided to set up this little still life. I wanted to use the angles of the sewing machine and the grain of the wood to point to the balanced items.

This is like my life...trying to balance everything that I do. Pretty sharp, huh? Like the scissors...


  1. Thanks Catherine. Life is actually a balancing act! I did a painting last night for this week. Wait till you see that one. I had to paint it up side down. Talk about a challenge!

  2. I can hardly wait - were you upside down or the painting? HAHAHA!!
