Friday, June 3, 2011

In a Family Way

watercolor 10 x 7

This is this week's challenge. If you look out my front door, this is one of the things that you see. It is a wreath that I have hanging most of the year and I change the flowers with each season. Every spring we get a robin that makes it's nest on top of it. I always wondered if it is the same robin each year or the babies that are making the nest.


  1. Kathy,
    After my current trip to Pune where I also went on a bird watching trip, I have started appreciating the beauty of birds even more. And so I just loved this..

  2. Thanks Prabal. Can't wait to hear about this trip and see how much you learned and how much you got inspired. You were so lucky to be able to do this!!

  3. we have one that does that on our front porch too -- but gets quite upset when we come in and out --so we leave it alone till the babies fly off and use the side and back doors for a month or so :)

    I like your painting!

  4. Great painting, Kathy!
    Wonderful combo...a bird...chicks...and flowers!

  5. Thanks Meera. Yes, the robin dones not like when we come in and out. But that is the way to get to my studio so I think she is used to it. She does fly away when someone comes and I think my guests are more frightened than the robin.

  6. Thanks Dean...glad you like the combo. I think the robin chooses to make her nest above the wreath so that she will not have to plant a garden. lol.
