Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Painting with Tom Schaller

Last week I was in Akron, Ohio painting with Tom Schaller from California. We had a blast. I took lots of notes and photos. If you ever get a chance to paint with him, you MUST! He is taking a group of artists for a workshop in Italy next May. Would that be a dream come true or what???

I guarantee you that he will put passion back into your painting!!


  1. You are so fortunate to have been in his workshop. And, yes, A painting trip to Italy would be Heaven on Earth!!! :)

  2. Catherine....it was a blast. It was so much fun to paint with him...a dream come true. Wish I could go to Italy with him...but I am not a traveler. This was hard enough to do.

  3. You really had a great time, no doubt about it! Wish you could upload a few more photos.
    And what is that near your left hand...a half-eaten cookie?? LOL

  4. I had a great time. I think everyone did. Yes, that is a cookie..Tom did not want me to be a starving artist.
