Wednesday, August 24, 2011


watercolor 15 x 11 floral

This was the second painting I was able to complete at the garden walk for the fundraiser this past Sunday. It is fun to paint plein air, but it is a challenge.


  1. This is so beautiful which I have already let you know on facebook.
    Regarding the problem on my comment section, I checked my settings. Under 'who can comment', 'anyone' was already selected, so there isn't any problem!

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment here, too. :)
    on your page, I would fill out the whole comment area and then hit the send and it wouldn't send. There is another friend from Spain who's page I also have trouble with. When I hit his to leave a comment...I get all kinds of advertising. Even a date page. Tim wouldn't like that. And besides after 35 years, I have Tim trained. LOL. I will try yours again since I am waiting for a wash to dry on this new painting I am now working on.....
