Friday, September 30, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #3

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50

Here is the third in my little mini series. Stay warm. It is not winter here yet. It is just the beginning of fall..but today is a dull, dark, cold, windy day. Looks like rain, too. Burrrrrrr.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #2

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50

Here is #2 on this series. I just got back from JoAnn Fabrics and they have all of their frames for 60% off. If you have a JoAnn's by you, good time to get some cheap frames for quick gifts.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mini 5 x 7 #1

watercolor 5 x 7 landscape $50 matted

You might think I am crazy...affirmed...I am. The art league that I belong to is having a fundraiser Gala. It is a dinner/dance/silent auction....and surprises. No, I am not going to sing. The money that we raise will help pay our bills and keep the place running.

I am in charge of the table decorations. So....I am thinking that I might do a little painting for each table. These will be 5 x 7 watercolors. I will be painting and posting them here and on my site on Daily Paintworks. If I sell any...I will paint more and I will just use the money to mat and frame the others. lol. Crazy, huh?

Well, keep coming back cuz I will be posting everyday.....

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Round Jug

watercolor 12 x 21 still life

Setting up some fall "stuff" in the studio to paint from. Thought I would do a few still lifes. Today it rained...a lot. But boy...did we have some great skys and clouds. It is hard to drive and photograph while you are on the expressway. But at least I wasn't texting.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall Still Life II

watercolor 14 x 21 still life

I decided to do a series of some fall still lifes. This helps me to let go of summer. I do hate to see summer go. But the fall season is such a pretty season here in Indiana. It calls for a new set of colors to paint with. Enjoy! Happy Fall You All!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Still Life With Lanterns

watercolor 14 x 21 still life $100

Thought I would set up a few items and paint from life. With fall being just around the corner...what better time to use those warm, rich colors.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

And Nature Rrmains...

watercolor 14 x 21

The fifth is my leaf series. Getting ready for fall...Enjoy!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Branching Out

watercolor 21 x 21 landscape

Using my palette of fall colors, here is another in my leaf series. Happy Fall You All!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Fall Barn - Demo #3

watercolor - landscape - 14 x 21

This was last Friday morning class demo. All classes last week had me doing a this week they will be painting the barn study that they were sketching in class. They had to bring in their own photographs and come up with a composition. Tomorrow I will watch THEM paint. Fun!!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Fall Barn -Demo 2

watercolor 14 x 21 landscape $75

Here is another demo that I did for my students. Using a limited palette I did this fall scene for them. This is a common scene for my area. Enjoy.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Barn Demo #1

watercolor 12 x 21 landscape $75

Classes began this past week. For each class I begin with a demo. I thought it would be a good idea if we all painted barns. So I had them bring their barn photos in to work from. I did three demos this past week so do come back to see them.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Limbs and Leaves

watercolor 21" x 21" Landscape

This is #3 in my series of leaves and negative painting. I am going to get a gicle' print made of this painting to hang in my kitchen for fall. Hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Nature's Beauty"

watercolor 16 x 24 landscape

This is my newest series. It will be nature at it's finest. I just hope I was able to catch it's beauty. This technique is called negative painting. No masking fluid was used. I love doing these and I get lost in the painting process as I do them. Enjoy!!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Along the River Edge

watercolor - landscape-18 x 26

This was actually inspired from my trip to Chagrin Falls. It was fun doing all of the negative painting on this watercolor. This is the start of my next series. Keep coming back as I add new paintings to it.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

To Rectangle or Not to Rectangle

watercolor 5 x 11 landscape $40 each

The challenge for this week on dailypaintworks was to paint anything but to use only rectangles. With each rectangle we had to use a different color/value. This is a hard assignment to do in wc since we work in washes and not brush strokes. I did the rectangle one first and then I redid the painting as I normally would paint it. Two totally different looks.