Tuesday, September 6, 2011

"Nature's Beauty"

watercolor 16 x 24 landscape

This is my newest series. It will be nature at it's finest. I just hope I was able to catch it's beauty. This technique is called negative painting. No masking fluid was used. I love doing these and I get lost in the painting process as I do them. Enjoy!!


  1. I love your painting! Amazing those negatives! I'm trying negative shapes myself at the moment but mine are terrible.

  2. Thanks Judy, Keep tryig, Once you get it you will love it. My tip...I outline the positive first and then I fill in the negative shape. Hope this helps.

  3. Wonderful painting. Beautifully done negative shapes. I wonder how pepole paint like this. I am just trying to do painting in watercolor. If u could post few WIP of ur paintings it will be great for me to learn. Thanks!

  4. Fabulous! You are a fantastic "negative" painter!!! Love your work!

  5. Thanks Dipti and Cynthia. I did take photos of WIP but I didn't crop and color correct them yet. I am just too busy painting and having fun. LOL. Will do that this weekend. In the mniddle of a new painting right now....
