Monday, October 31, 2011

Crown Point, Indiana Court House in Fall

14" x 21"

Thought I would paint this 'ol court house tonight. The only thing about doing a painting such as can not be as loose as I was in the last painting. Or should I say...I can not be.


  1. Kathy,
    So much of warm sun out there. Loved it. And I am sure you are not loose, but you can paint loose. LOL..

  2. Kathy, it's lovely! And you constantly amaze me with your consistently good and prolific work!!!

  3. Thanks Prabal. That sun feels so warm today and the air is so fresh. I wish spring was coming instead of winter. lol. Glad you like the building. I will post the step-by-step of this, too.

  4. Thanks Catherine you are so kind. I love to paint and I paint a lot. Fortunately I am blessed to be able to do this. Have a great week!!
