Friday, October 7, 2011

Mini 5" x 7" #11

watercolor 5" x 7" landscape $50 includes mat

Ok, This is the last in the snow mini series. I need nine more for the gala...what will they be.....come back and see.

Heading to the studio to frame....see you there.


  1. The dull haze of the winter is very difficult to paint, but you have done it very well...are the snow sprayed white paint or masking fluid?

  2. Hi M.R.Thanks for your comments. The snow is actually a product called liquid wc. paper by arches. It is like an opaque white paint. To apply the snow, I take a tooth brush (one that is not in use) and I flick it on that way. Do you get the picture? I personally do not like the masking fluids. Wait till you see what I will post tomorrow. Do come back !!
