Thursday, November 3, 2011

Michigan City Boat Yard

watercolor 14" x 21"

After going out to Michigan to deliver a painting last weekend, I took advantage of some of the fall colors that were still hanging onto the trees. I came across this boat yard and it was exciting to me so I thought I would paint it. I hope it is exciting to you, too!


  1. Another lovely painting and this time quite large compared to your "little" ones.

    I love your use of colors and shadows,


  2. What a different scene, and as always, so well done.

  3. Hi Vickie..Thanks for stopping by and for taking the time to comment.

    This is the size that I always paint. Lots of room to paint. Those 5" x 7" were centerpieces/door prizes for a gala fundriser that my art center is having this weekend. Whew, glad those little ones are all painted and framed.

    I have another boat scene that I want to watch for it.

  4. Thanks so much Catherine. It was speaking to me to paint it. I didn't know if I could be in this boat yard to take photos, so I hurried in and took a few. lol.

  5. The large shadow in the foreground has been captured beautifully...and boats and the fall colours are gorgeous!

  6. Hi M.R. Thanks for your kind comments. I just posted a new boat yard painting. Hope you like this one, too. Take Care!!
