Thursday, November 10, 2011

Winter in Acrylics

6" x 6"

Yes, you read that right. It was even hard to type...I am so used to typing watercolor. Today I did this little acrylic. I had the whole afternoon class working with them and trying them out. They all enjoyed it. It's our secret that we did this in my watercolor class. But...I think I am going to try it again. These would make nice little Christmas gifts....hint, hint....


  1. good to see the winter back..the cool blues and the scenery is the shadows and the simplicity!

  2. Hello M>R> That winter will be here way too soon. It has been cold, rainy and gloomy...not good for the bones. Burrrr.

    Glad you like my experiment with acrylics. It was kinda fun to do. Gonna try another soon so watch for it :)

    I do appreciate your taking the time to leave a comment. You are so kind.

  3. I like the beautifully painted. Good composition :)

  4. Thanks Ramesh. Do you believe that I am painting in acrylics? LOL. I just got back from Chicago to see a friend's exhibit and I bought a few more of these little canvases ( or is is canvi). I also bought one of my friend's paintings. It is a watercolor.

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