Friday, January 6, 2012

The Warmth of Winter

13" x 29"

Instead of painting this piece with the usual white snow, I thought I would play with being a bit bold with my colors. I decided on a sunset painting. These can be a bit tricky since I am using complimentary colors and in watercolor...that spells MUD. So the technique that I use is to start with the light colors and then do layers of washes and build up my colors. That sky was not a one shot deal. It took many washes and lots of drying time. But I had fun and that is what it is all about. Enjoy!!


  1. Great job Kathy.. I can feel the warmth till here.. And yes when dealing with complimentaries like that in the skies painting has to be done layer by layer unless one is intending mud. If you find another way tell me too. LOL..

  2. gorgeous, love the sky and the trees fading into the background, so well done

  3. Prabal and Maria...thanks so much for stopping by and leaving comments. You have to have patience to do glazing like this. Making sure that it is totally wet to begin, then totally dry and then spraying it with water, then QUICKLY adding new color and then drying it all again. Whew. Lots of work :) But we love to do it :))

  4. Katy, just wonderful work. I love your results of patient layers.

  5. Thanks Mary and thanks for understanding the concept of glazing. I am still taking down Christmas trees at my house. I will post something new later.

  6. Hi, Kathy,It's a great result, but don't you making cheating with so many layers?.MPDR

  7. Hi Julian...Happy New Year to you. Actually, the layering technique is not cheating. It is harder to do because timing is so critical and it is so easy to get mud. This takes alot of patience...which I do not have. Maybe I should try oils...MPDR
