Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wood's Mill @ Deep River Park

14" x 21"

The challenge for the Daily Paintworks this week was to paint something with wheels. I thought of the watermill in a neighboring town. We needed to show motion. I don't know if this wheel even works anymore for producing grain. But, this is really a neat park and I wanted to share it with you. Keep staying warm...it is almost February!!


  1. Neat work Kathy.. You stay warm too.

  2. Thanks Prabal...glad you like it. I hear weather is a bit chilly now in India...I will take that temp. anyday. LOL. Last year today we were having a big snow storm....over 2 feet of snow. Today no snow on the ground...only in my paintings.

  3. I really like the simple but harmonic color scheme, and the shape of the mill plus its shadows. You do landscapes so well! I wish I could do the same...
