Monday, February 20, 2012

"Industry: Power"

14" x 21"

This is what I see when I head up to Chicago on the Toll Road. There is so much industry in the area in which I live. This is attributed to the fact that I live so close to Lake Michigan. With this in mind, I thought I would do some industry paintings. Hope you enjoy them. If you live in the "Region" you will know these areas.


  1. beautiful picture...
    this proves that trees and huts are not required to make a picture beautiful...

    beautiful composition, color scheme and a talented artist would be sufficient...

  2. Absolutley!! To a talented artist any landscape is beautiful!!

  3. Simply great, Kathy. You have made what is probably an "ugly" industrial scene look beautiful!!

  4. pLovely -- I am always fascinated with power lines and they add an interesting human dimension to landscapes.

  5. Hi iyothisethu...and you do not need a barn either. lol. Thanks so much for those very kind comments. Keep watching...

    Azra...I agree with both of you gals...there is so much beauty if only we would open our eyes. Thanks for stopping by.

  6. Catherine, that is too funny, but ths is what it looks like close to where I live. We have so much I will have lots of paintings of Industry coming.

    Mary what an interesting observation...while we were driving this evening...I was see so many power lines. What would we do without them.

    Thanks for stopping by ladies.

  7. This watercolor appears that lets out smoke of how well it is.

  8. Hi it smoke...or are we making clouds here in Indiana...MPDR
