Friday, March 30, 2012

Time for a Drink

14" x 21"

This is my girlfriend's of them. She loves to ride, show and boards horses. I sat on one once. lol.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lacey Spring-demo

14" x 21"

This was a demo that I did for one of my classes last week. I took a value sketch that I had sketched a while ago. It was actually a winter scene but since spring is in the air, I took my artistic license and made it a spring scene. Enjoy!

Summer Shadows-step-by-step

watercolor 14" x 21"

This is actually a funeral home in Ohio. It was cream in color, but I took my artistic license and this is how I see it :) enjoy. By the way, this was all painted with a #13 round brush. I even signed my name with it.

Friday, March 23, 2012

No Weddings Today-Deep River Park, Indiana

14" x 21"

This is a painting that I did last month and I am finally getting to posting it. It is a local park area where the water mill is at (a previous post). It is a lovely gazebo and many weddings are performed here and many brides just come to this area to have photos taken. There is a lovely river here, too. It's a great place for picnics. I plan to bring a class here to do plein air painting. Come on to Indiana...there is so much to see.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Light House II - class demo

14 x 21

This is the demo painting that I did for one of my Wednesday classes last week. This week 2 of the classes will be painting their light houses and then the other Wednesday class will be painting a barn. Next week hopefully they will have them finished so that we can have a big critique in each class. I like to give them a topic and see what they come up with. Part of being an artist is researching the subject matter.

Did you see the little man on the rocks? Is he looking at the birds or is he ready to jump....he is actually JUMBY with a head. lol. How many remember Gumby and Pokey?

I still have to do this week's challenge on the dailypaintworks site. Watch for it.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Heading Back Home

14" x 21"

This is a very common scene about 2 hours from my home. I had taken this photo of the buggy in the fall, I had a photo of a street scene and I made up the composition and the farm area. It is fun to have an artistic license.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Boats by the Dock

14 x 21

These are some boats that really needed to be painted (play on words). They were actually near the area where the previous dock painting was pauinted from.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

At the Dock

21" x 14"

This is really near to my home and I took my photo reference for this years ago and I just felt now was the time to paint it. Enjoy.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Light House Demo step-by-step

14" X 21"

This is the demo that I did for the afternoon class today. I want them to try to use less colors. The student's had to bring in their own reference photos and then do a value sketch. They will finish theirs up next week and then we will have a critique of all of them.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


14" x 21"

Thought I would get a few more snow scenes in before this season is over. Hopefully spring will come soon and then I will be painting flowers. We have been having crazy weather day tornados (south of me in Indiana) and then the next day it snows. Today it hit 65 but is windy as all get out. (what does that term mean?) Good thing it is not raining because this is not the winds you want with any kind of rain.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Escape to a Higher Education

14" x 21"

Thought I would play with the design of the fire excape and create this painting. I love the title. Enjoy. Have a great week.