Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Summer Shadows-step-by-step

watercolor 14" x 21"

This is actually a funeral home in Ohio. It was cream in color, but I took my artistic license and this is how I see it :) enjoy. By the way, this was all painted with a #13 round brush. I even signed my name with it.


  1. wonderful, just love the cool crisp color of this feels so Spring like

  2. Kathy, thank you so very much for posting your step-by-step. I am always fascinated by the path each artist takes in their work.

  3. Lovely, Kathy - I have been admiring your work for some time and thought I should tell you how beautiful and amazing I find your watercolors.

  4. Maria...thanks so does feel like spring here in Indiana and it is so nice to see spring flowers blooming :)

  5. Thanks Catherine. Glad you liked the step by step. Hope you learned something from it. I, too, think it is interesting to see how each artist works. I learn so much too.

  6. Hello Jean, Welcome to my blog. It is so nice to hear that you have been following my work. Thanks for letting me know. I do appreciate your comments. Do come back.

  7. A beautiful painting Kathy and thank you for sharing your progress with us.
    Hava a Wonderful Easter.

  8. Great painting. You captured the feeling of a sunlite afternoon.
