Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Indy Gals in Indianapolis, Indiana

14" x 21"

 Last week I had to go to Indianapolis, Indiana.  I did take some time to take some photos.  I have so much neat stuff to paint...

 I am not sure what the building is...I think maybe the downtown library.  I will find out the next time I am there.

Tomorrow I am teaching an all day workshop here in the studio.  It is a techniques will be a fast and furious class.   lol.  I am sure at the end of the day we will all be tired.


  1. Hello Kathy:) Love your painting! It's such a all day scene. I thought it could be a courthouse? The woman on the left is an attorney and the woman on the right has just ask for a seperation from her husband. He, great fantasy or not:)

  2. Renate...loved your take on the two chics...I even used part of your line on facebook. lol. I appreciate your comments.
