Friday, June 22, 2012

Riding Along the Lake

21" x 14"

Decided that maybe if I did a painting that might help me re-coop from the surgery that I just had on my eye.  I did 4 value sketches the night before the surgery and this is one of them.  Hopefully I will be painting the next three soon.  Watch for them.


  1. Beautiful, fascinating angle! I hope you do well after the surgery!!!

  2. Hello Kathy:) Your painting is beautiful. What a great view! Take it easy on the eye. Get well soon!!

  3. eye eye my friends. lol. Thanks for your comments. When I am painting or even doing all of that crazy book work or organizing my paintings, it keeps my mind off of the surgery. Fortunately I have a few shows coming up wo I am working on the invites, etc. Wished you all lived closer....
