Monday, July 30, 2012

Mooo-ve Over

14" x 21"

If you have read my blog you might have caught the entries about the farm/farmers who saved us during the flood in southern Indiana 3 years.  Well, I finally got to painting the cows on the farm.  I will never forget the cries that they made (mooing noises) as the waters were up to their bellies.  We all (got a southern accent from that experience) were up in the upper right hand window of the hayloft (haymow).

We visited there in June so I was able to take more photos.  I am planning on getting this painting made into greeting cards.  Then I will be able to send them some as a little reminder/gift.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

"Fall Fishing" step by step

14" x 21"

It took a while, but I finally figured it all out.  Here it is ...step by step!!  This was done from a sketch I did about 20 years ago.  I added a few things.   Enjoy.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Winter Dunes at Sunset

10" x 14"

About 45 minutes from my house are the Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore.  These are along Lake Michigan.  Since it has been so hot these last few days, I thought this would cool us all down a bit.  What did we do before air conditioning?

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Park Full of Art


July 21-22 Park Full of Art Griffith Central Park
10-5, Central Park Griffith, Indiana
Free Admission, Food available and lots of great Art

Saturday, July 14, 2012

The Grill-Chicago

14" x 10"

My sister-in-law's sister sent me this photo to work from.  Melissa and Bob like to ride their bikes all over the city.  I have never eaten here, but I think I would like it.  lol.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012


10" x 14"

This is the painting that I painted Sunday night for the daily paintworks challenge.   We had a photo to work from, but I like doing my own thing.  The photo just had the water and I made up the rest.  I also made up the sunset.  It was fun.  Enjoy!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

More Woods

10" x 14"

Hopefully the last for a while, in my green woods series.  I made this painting a little warmer in temperature.  Was that because it was 104 degrees today.  lol.  It has been so hot and humid this past week.  Just had to throw 2 pots of flowers away.  I hope I can find some new ones tomorrow.  Recouping from my eye surgery didn't help since I was not able to bend or lift anything.  Sorry flowers.  It was either your death of mine.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Goose Necks

14" x 21"

These are one of my favorite flowers (I have so many favorites).  These actually look like a goose's neck.  These grow all along the side of my house.  Even when their blooming season is over, the foliage is still pretty...and green.