Monday, July 30, 2012

Mooo-ve Over

14" x 21"

If you have read my blog you might have caught the entries about the farm/farmers who saved us during the flood in southern Indiana 3 years.  Well, I finally got to painting the cows on the farm.  I will never forget the cries that they made (mooing noises) as the waters were up to their bellies.  We all (got a southern accent from that experience) were up in the upper right hand window of the hayloft (haymow).

We visited there in June so I was able to take more photos.  I am planning on getting this painting made into greeting cards.  Then I will be able to send them some as a little reminder/gift.


  1. Hello Kathy:) Love this painting! And what a story to go with it! I think they will find it very nice. The cows are so nice painted and everything around it is wonderful. Great job done!

  2. Very well painted Kathy! Nice to see a different subject this time :)

  3. Kathy, this is a wonderful painting. I wasn't blogging yet, so I missed your story about the flood. What a terrifying experience for all of you!!! I'm glad you all made it!

  4. Thasnks my friends!! Today I had to go to Indianapolis, Indiana for an eye dr. appointment and the farmers live about an hour away. We went and made a surprise visit. It was so great to see them and the cows. I took more photos so who knows....maybe be another painting coming. After all of the torment of that flood day, we made some really neat friends!!

  5. Since I had to go to Indianapolis to my eye dr. we went and made a surprise visit on our friends on the farm. Well it turns out that it was four years ago and not three that we were caught up in that flood. Oh MY! We had a nice visit and as we were leaving it began to rain. lol.

    I did take more photos, so you may see another cow painting somewhere in the future.
