Thursday, September 27, 2012

Dunes series X

7" x 9"

This is number 10 in my little series of dune paintings.  I hope you have enjoyed them all.  

My show opens this Sunday, Sept. 30. from 2-4 at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana.  The show is up for the month of October.  I will be doing a demo at the art center on Saturday, Sept. 29 at 2.  Both are free...hope to see you there..

Watch to see what my next little series will be.......


  1. Hello Kathy:) I did enjoy your dune serie! This last one is a beauty too. Wonderful how the light falls between the dunes.
    I will not be present at your show :( but I wish you all the best you can get! Big hug to take with you :)

  2. Thanks so much Renate for your kind comments. They are hanging my show right now. Glad I didn't have to do that. Today I will plan my demo that I am giving on Saturday and then clean house. I did a lot of baking for this opening and you can feel the sugar on the kitchen floor. lol. I will report back on Monday:) Have a great weekend.
