Friday, November 30, 2012


on wc canvas

Just having some fun for the holidays.  You will be seeing Holiday themed paintings for a while for your shopping and viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!!  This one was painted on watercolor canvas.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Christmas Flower

10" x 12'

This is a painting that I did for the Illiana Artist Group.  I am the vice-president.  This painting of Christmas is done on cradled canvas.  This is a special canvas made just for watercolor.  It is really fun to work on.

This Saturday, Dec. 1, I will be in the front window in Grinder Cafe' in Griffith, Indiana. (on Broad street).   At 2-ish they will be lighting the town, singing carols and sharing  cocoa and cookies.  I will be doing a Christmas related painting.  Come on by if you live in the area.  This cafe' has great sandwiches...and various coffees and teas....see you there.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Eat Your Veggies


I love to visit grocery stores when we are on vacation.  I do not remember where this was at...but I took the photo for this painting some years ago.

Monday, November 19, 2012


12" x 12"

Saw these lovely sunflowers at the grocery store and they cried out to me to take them home...after I payed for them :)

This is done on a very heavy plate (5-ply) bristol board.  It was fun to work on.  Hope you enjoy it.  Have a great week.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Early Winter at Dusk-Chicago

14" x 21"

Sorry I haven't posted for a while....I have had the flu.  I am too busy of a person to get that.  lol.  But I did get to watch 4 Christmas movies.  I am back to painting and posting.  Then I will be decorating...even got a good jump on my Christmas shopping.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

At Z the Marina

14" x 21"

Same marina different view.  I was trying to play up the letter "Z" in this composition.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

At the Marina

14" x 21"

This is a scene that you can see when you are at the Horseshoe Casino.  Here we are looking at one of the steel mills at dusk.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Mini workshop-Nov. 10.

7" x 11

Birch tree workshop....  Nov. 10,  at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana.  We will paint a birch tree painting and then we will also paint some birch trees for Christmas cards.  Call the art center for more info or to sign up.....219-926-4711.