Saturday, November 17, 2012

Early Winter at Dusk-Chicago

14" x 21"

Sorry I haven't posted for a while....I have had the flu.  I am too busy of a person to get that.  lol.  But I did get to watch 4 Christmas movies.  I am back to painting and posting.  Then I will be decorating...even got a good jump on my Christmas shopping.


  1. Hi, Kathy, you should have vaccinated against the flu. I always do it, even though people as young as I, it isn't necessary. MPDR. Your winter scape has a perfect atmosphere, I can feel the cold weather.

  2. Julian, I never got the shot. My dr. believes that if you eat right you will not need it. Guess I didn't eat right. I will get one next year for sure. It might be too late now. lol Thanks for your medical advise. MPDR. It will be getting cold here soon. Burrrr...Do you get any snow? or do I have to send you some. Glad you like this painting :))

  3. Hi Ina...I have no idea what you wrote...but hope you have a great week :)
