Monday, December 3, 2012

Ornament of the Season

5" x 7"
Still Life

While up in Chicago last year I took some photos of the trees at Macy's.  Thought I would do some paintings for the season.  Hope you are busy decorating.  I am.  Got 3 trees up this weekend.  Tomorrow I am hoping to get my 9' tree done.  That one takes a while to complete.

The dining room tree has colored lights, is 7 ' tall and is all decorated with baskets filled with Christmas greenery.  The sun room tree is a full 7-1/2" tree with colored lights and that one has nothing but snow, snowmen (snow people), snowflakes.  Hope they do not melt in the sun room.  lol.  That tree has colored lights on it.  The family room has a tree with colored lights and that is my country tree.  Most of the ornaments on that tree are ones that I have made over the years.  Some are patchwork quits squares. It has fake popcorn, lots of garlands of beads, raffia. It was a productive weekend.


  1. Three trees??? Is that common in the US? I would not know where to put them:) One on the toilet, one in the kitchen and one in the livingroom:) Hmm, maybe I should give it a try?!
    Your painting is so beautiful with beautiful Christmas colors. You did a great job on that one!
    Have a nice week:)

  2. 4 big trees are up and decorated and now the little ones in the bedroom (4 feet decorated with all angels) and then the bathrooms. Come on over this holiday. Wait till I start baking

  3. 4 big trees are up and decorated and now the little ones in the bedroom (4 feet decorated with all angels) and then the bathrooms. Come on over this holiday. Wait till I start baking
