Thursday, November 7, 2013

Pink Poinsettia-canvas

12" x 12"
1-1/2 cradled wc canvas

This is another one of those fun paintings that I did on watercolor canvas.  I will be teaching this workshop on Sat., Nov. 16 from 1-4 at the Chesterton Art Center, Chesterton, Indiana.  Let me know if you are interested in joining us have a fun afternoon.  You will complete this painting to hang in your house for the holidays, or to give as a gift.


  1. I really like the effect you achieved with this painting and the last one on watercolor canvas. I tried it once and wasn't a big fan but I think I have another canvas around my studio and you've inspired me to try again.

  2. Nancy, remember that if you do not like what you have painted, you can wash it off and start again. Some of the staining colors will remain a bit but you CAN start again.

    I like the funkyness (is this a word?) of painting on canvas. You can splatter, use gold wc., use a tooth brush. Just remember if you do not frame it under glass to spray a fixative on it. We will also be doing a snowman in Dec. in my studio. That will be fun.

    Thanks for your comments.
