Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Snow woman - wc on canvas

watercolor on canvas
12" x 12"

I had a little snowman workshop in the studio yesterday.  I did this little snow gal and everyone else did a snow guy.  lol.  It is always refreshing to see when a student gets excited to see something they completed.  They were all going to go home and hang them up right away.  The good part was since it was on the canvas and they finished the edges, they did not have to frame them.  No one was going to give their painting away as a gift....they did not want to part with them.


  1. So lovely to see a she snowman!!! She is a little stunner.

  2. Thanks Polly. Today I did a painting party in my studio. There were 10 gals in the workshop and we did another snow woman...lol. They were not painters but they surprised themselves with a little finished painting. I think I just may be doing more of these.
