Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thornton Quarries II

14" x 21"

Here is another view of the quarries. 

Been busy getting ready for Christmas.  We were off this week so we were able to take it easy and do some fun stuff.  Now back to work and getting everything ready for the 2 big parties that we are having.  So much to do...lots of baking...


  1. You need rest for a while. Now is time of taking some holidays.
    When I paint snowy landscapes I always put blues, reds and violet. Probably you don't so, because you never have attended my classes. MPDR
    Pardon for my last joke in this year.
    Happy Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas Julian...this is not a snow scene. these last 2 paintings of the quarries are line stone so that is why there is not much color. lol

    Hope you have a great new year!!
