Monday, December 29, 2014


7" x 7"

A friend of mine recently had to put his dog down.  I had to do this years ago too and I know how hard it really is to do.  I am sure if you ever had to do this you would also agree.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Santa Claus is Coming to Town


Merry Christmas!!  Hope you are enjoying the company of family and friends.  Blessings in the New Year!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Thornton Quarries II

14" x 21"

Here is another view of the quarries. 

Been busy getting ready for Christmas.  We were off this week so we were able to take it easy and do some fun stuff.  Now back to work and getting everything ready for the 2 big parties that we are having.  So much to do...lots of baking...

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Thornton Quarries

14" x 21"

These are some quarries that are in Illinois and you can see them as you drive on 80/294.  They are really neat but I think they are now done mining them and will be used for an over flow of water from Chicago.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Cardinals III

5:" x 7"

Here is #3 in my series of cardinals.  This bird even though it is our state bird always makes me think of winter.

Well, all the Christmas trees are now in every room.  Time to take a little break and hit the studio.  I have a new challenge to do for the Daily Paintworks... a group that I belong to online.  Check me out there.....

Monday, December 8, 2014

Cardinal II

5" x 7"

Next in my series of cardinals....enjoy!!  I sold this one right after I painted it.  Someone saw it on Facebook and decided they needed it for a gift :))

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Cardinal I

6" x 7"

Started to paint some cardinals.  It is the state bird of Indiana...and a few other states, too.  I want to do a painting of a cardinal for a friend for Christmas.  You will see a few that I will be painting as studies for the final one.  Enjoy and stay warm.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Christmas Cheer VII

5" x 7"

Time to paint some Santa paintings. 'Tis the season.....

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Christmas Cheer VI

5" x 7"

This is our local grocery store's tree stand with my embellishment of snow and shopper.  Enjoy and stay warm.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Cheer V

5" x 7"
still life

Getting a little collection of small paintings that would make great gifts for the holidays.  You can purchase these from me.  They will come with a mat and will have free shipping. Why go to the mall when you can shop with me :))

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Christmas Cheer - Painting IV

5" x 7"
Still Life

Working on my little mini series for Christmas...Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving  :))

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Christmas Cheer-Painting III

5" x 7"
Still life

Continuing on with my Christmas series.. these would make lovely gifts or little paintings to decorate your home.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christmas Cheer - Painting II

5" x 7"
still life

Working on a series of Christmas paintings...great for gift giving....hint, hint....

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Christmas Cheer I

still life
5" x 7"

Started a Christmas series.  Tis the season.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

More Fall at Deep River

14" x 21"

 Deep River is a really neat place to visit, sketch, photograph, walk, shop, picnic, get the idea.  It is located in Hobart, Indiana.   Hope to see you there.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Burning Bridges

14" x 21"

Here I have you visiting Deep River with me during the peak of the fall season.  I also used my artistic licence to add more color.  

Monday, October 27, 2014

Fall on the Farm

14" x 21"

After going to out to take photos last week, I came back to the studio and painted this farm scene.  I was trying a different brand of paint and some of their new colors.  The actual painting has more orange colors in it.  May shoot this one again.

Today we went out taking photos so I have so many things to paint right now....I need more time, a house keeper, someone to cook and do laundry, someone to help with all of the leaves, a bookkeeper,  you get the idea...I need some free time to paint.  lol.  

Have a great week.  k

Saturday, October 18, 2014

More Mill Shaoes

7" x 11"

so much industry in my many paintings that I want to paint.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Water on the Rocks

7" x 10"

Just a little study of rocks...this one I am going to keep and frame up for my collection.  Sometimes we just want to keep one for ourselves.  enjoy.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sailboat Blues

14" x 21"

Oppz...Just realized that I have not posted on my blog since last month.  I have been painting.  Really busy here.  I am now part of a gallery called White Ripple Gallery that is in Hammond, Indiana.  Above the gallery on the second floor are artists studios.  I have rented one of them and I call it "Studio 2."  This Friday is the ribbon cutting with the mayor of the city and then on Saturday is a big party.  The address is 6725 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN. We have so much planned for that day.  7-10 p,m  If you live close by, come on and check us out.  You will be glad that you did.

Heading to the studio to do some the way...did I fail to mention the last few days I have been baking us a storm of cookies for the opening :))

Friday, September 19, 2014

Still Waiting to Sail

21" x 14"

Living so close to Lake Michigan, I have a variety of subject matter to paint from.  Enjoy!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Waiting to Sail

14" x 21"

Decided to paint a few boats while it is still summer.  Sail away!!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Fall at Oxbow

14" x 21"

Since fall is around the corner it's time to think fall.  This is a local park in Hammond, Indiana.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Lacey Leaf Patterns


I had the opportunity to have a solo show at the Taltree Arboretum in Valparaiso.  So....I am doing a series of paintings of this area.  The opening in Sept. 2 from 5-7 and there is free admission to the park that day.  Hope you can attend.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Meet Me at the Steps

7" x 10"

Oppz....I have not posted  my new paintings for a while.  I have been busy getting ready for 2 shows, had that eye surgery (that had me tied up for a while), opened up Studio2 and I ...don't remember what else. lol.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

My Daisies and Zennias

14" x 21"

Decided to do some plein air painting so I sat and painted my own garden.  It was such a lovely evening.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Chicago at Dusk

22" x 30"

Getting ready for my big show at the Box Factory in St. Joseph, Michigan.  I deliver the show on Aug. 10 and it opens Aug. 15.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Sox Park...Chicago

14" x 21"

This is one of Chicago's Baseball fields.  I did a painting of Cub's park too. Both of these paintings are available in Gicle' prints.  I can have them printed any size you wish.   
Play Ball!!

Monday, July 21, 2014

Art Institute Steps-Chicago


There is always somewhere to sit at the "steps."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Summer at the Fountain

7 x 10

In preparation of my big show on Chicago,  I thought I would do some smaller pieces that I will have matted.  These I will call....postcards of Chicago.  See you in the City.

Monday, July 7, 2014

Summer's Delight

Summer's Delight
watercolor 14" x 21"

Don't we just love summer and all of the great subject matter that is available to us.  Take time to smell the flowers.

Thursday, July 3, 2014


7" x 10"

I was invited to a dinner party and I always have my camera in my purse.  There were many flowers to take photos of....Hope you are enjoying your summer.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Swim Together, LIve Forever

9" x 12"

The challenge a few weeks ago for the Daily Paint Works was to paint some fish.  I thought I would have a little fun with this one.  As I was having fun, I thought this would be a fun one for my students, July 7, I will be teaching this at Smokey's Basement BBQ in Crown Point Indiana.  222 S. Main Street.  $45 includes all of your supplies.  Come for a fun evening of painting and you can even order a nice meal and drink for yourself.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Bridge Work - Chicago

14" x 21"

Here is another painting that I just finished for my "Splashes of Chicago" show that I will be having in Michigan at the Box Factory.  Opening date in Aug. 20.

Friday, June 20, 2014

MIdnight Snacking

7" x 10"
still life

One of the challenges for the Daily Paintworks was to paint the dishes in our sink...these are mine...

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Chive -demo

10 " x 14"

This was a demo that I did for one of my classes showing them how to paint loose and then to do some negative painting.  I grow these chives in my garden.

Friday, June 6, 2014

At the Falls

14" x 21"

See Rock City and Look Out Mountain!!

Monday, June 2, 2014

The Lesson

14" x 21"

At our local fair grounds we had a garden and pond show.  This reminded me of how my mom taught me to purchase flowers.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Tulips III

6" x 6"

oppz...been busy planting all of my flowers and forgot about posting new works.  Just need a few more special plants and hanging baskets.  It's beginning to look pretty good and I will be doing some paintings of my garden soon....

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Tulip II

6" x 6"

think spring!!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tulips I

6" x 6"

Thought I would paint some spring Tulips.  Hope you are in your garden planting....Have a great week...

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Stop at the Bridge

14" x 21"

This is the corner by the bridge for the Chicago River.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Fresh Flowers

14" x 21"

Went to the grocery store the other day and some how these flowers found their way into my, for the Wed. classes I did this painting demo.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Play Ball

14" x 21"

Chicago is fortunate enough to have two major baseball teams.  Right now both of them are playing what we call "Crosstown Games."  2 games were played here at Wrigley field which is the home of the Chicago Cubs.  Fortunately for us Sox fans, we won the first two that were held here.  Now we go to the south side of Chicago and hopefully the Sox will take the games there :))

This is the 100th anniversary of Wrigley field.

Buy me some peanuts and cracker jack....I don't care if I ever come back....