Friday, August 12, 2016

Moving Sale - Saturday, Aug. 13, 7 till 10 pm

14" x 21"

After 2 years of having my Studio 2 @ White Ripple Gallery, 6725 Kennedy Ave, Hammond, IN... I am moving on.

Come to my studio tomorrow, Aug. 13.  I am having a BIG sale on art, art supplies, books, rubber stamps, furniture, misc.

Come 7 till 10 pm.  This will be my last day there so come for the sale and for my moving on party.

Thanks to all who have come during our 2nd Saturday events. Thanks to all of the new friends that I have made these last 2 years and for the lessons that I have learned with this undertaking....

My home studio classes resume Sept. 7 and now I will get back to my for new things to come.

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