Friday, December 9, 2016

Fall Up North

14" x 21"

When I was at student at the American Academy of Art in Chicago way back in 1969, 70 and 71,  I studied watercolor with Irving Shapiro aws (I had the privilege to study with him for 1-1/2 years).  He was not only a fantastic artist and teacher, but also a special friend.  He is one of my most admired people. He even asked me to join the faculty at the Academy in 1974 at the age of 23.

About 20 years ago he passed away in his 60's.  Way too young.  I haven't spoke with Mrs. Shapiro since his funeral. Out of the blue I got a message on FB from his daughter. Mrs. Shapiro-Weiss had some wc paper that was Mr. Shapiro's and she wanted me to have it.  How awesome was that !!  So we went up to the north side of Chicago to meet with her.  She did not change at all.  Still so sweet.  It was such a great gift and I feel really blest.  This is the first painting that I did on the 300# rough Arches paper.  The reference photo I took right around the corner from her home.

Thanks so much for this perfect gift.

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