Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Lily demo II

7" x 10"

Another demo that I did for one of my classes.

Last night I went to visit a friend and his garden.  We met on FB and he lives locally.  I have seen photos of his garden that he keeps alive in memory of his wife who passed from cancer.  The garden was awesome.  I took tons of photos and his lilies were begging to be painted...guess what I will be painting soon.

On a sadder note, I just found out over the weekend that a dear artist friend, student passed away a few days.  I remember her coming to class and telling me about her cancer.  That was not that long ago...  She will live on in the memories that I keep of her....I have many.  Hope you find a cowboy up in Heaven Darlene.

On a happy note....this past weekend I was in an art fair and I won best in 3-D art.  Big ribbon and some money to buy paint.  Sales were pretty good, too.

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