Thursday, March 26, 2020

Winter Shadows

10" x 14"

I love when the sun is low and there are so many interesting shadows that appear on houses, buildings, fences.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Better Days

10" x 14"

One of the positives of having to stay home is that I am getting a lot of work done.  I am making more healthy meals, my house is sanitized and I just baked a Pineapple Up-Side Down Cake.

So take the time to count your blessings and be thankful. This, too, shall pass. This we are promised.

Almost time to go and paint.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Winter's Thaw

14" x 21"

I love when I stumble across a new place to photograph and then come to the studio to paint.  This is one of those places...will I ever find it again.  Most likely ...NOT.  But it was a good experience and made some great memories.  
Keep warm and stay healthy.

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Winter Farm House

10" x 14"

It's Spring...Where is that sun.  The snow is all gone.  I am just behind in posting all  the paintings I completed during my winter break....

Thursday, March 19, 2020

It's Still Winter in Indiana

10" x 14"

Hurry Up spring !!!

"Winter Serenity"

14" x 21"

Serenity....something we can all use right now.
Wash your hands...Stay Well.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Snow Pine

10" x 14"

Believe it or not, the other night we did have a light blanket of snow.  It was gone in the morning...I wanted to go out and take some more snow photos.  

I wish the weather would warm up, the sun would come out and we would all feel better about this whole virus thing.  The media is keeping us so informed and it is really getting scary.  I think some nice warm weather will get people outside in their yards and gardens and will be the best medicine for all of us.

Stay well.  This, too, shall pass.

Winter's Warmth

10" x 14"

In a few days, spring should be hitting us in a few days.  These are some sad times with this Caronavirus.  We are supposed to stay in our homes for the next 14 days.  If you need to get food you can order and pick up or have delivered.  All restaurants, bars and casinos are closed for customers to visit their locations.  Groceries stores are running out of supplies.  TP is a high commodity these days.  My hands are so chapped from all of the washing and sanitizing.  My house is really getting a good cleaning.

So Maybe I will catch up with posting my new paintings.  Since you are confined to your home, come back often.

Go and check out my new and improved website at:

Stay well all my viewers...Peace....This, too, shall pass.

Saturday, March 14, 2020


14" x 21"

Sometimes you are asked to paint a friend's pet who has recently passed away.  These are always tough because you really want to capture the soul of their dear friend.  Not knowing this dog in person I had to work from a few photos.  

My client was really happy with it...but it is a hard thing to lose a pet....Been there, experienced that....peace.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

When Sunset Meets Barn

10" x 14"

Indiana in the winter...We had just the right amount this know, of that white stuff....Now lets's warm up this planet and think spring.  Hopefully the warmer weather will kill this virus and we can all get on with our lives.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

"Down by the River"

10" x 14"

It has been a pretty mild winter so we didn't have to do a lot of shoveling.  But there was just enough snow to be able to get out to take photos for future paintings.  Hope we have a nice long spring.  Time to start thinking about flowers and gardening....

Friday, March 6, 2020

Beads and Bangles Bear

14" x 21"
Still Life

You never know what you can find in your jewelry box.  A gal  just likes to have fun....even if she is just a bear.  Maybe she went to New Orleans for Mardi Gras.  Did you get your beads?

Winter's Calm

10" x 14"

Sharing with you a little part of Indiana.  Stay warm.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

"The Prairie in Winter"

10" x 14"

This is part of the prairie which is a block away from my home.  It's amazing how much beauty you can find in your own neighborhood. Many times you will find deer adding to this beauty.  I have even see them in my front yard.  Now isn't that dear.

Monday, March 2, 2020

"Take the Trolley - Chicago"

14" x 18"

A fun trip to take in Chicago is the Red Trolley of the Big Bus.  I thought I heard that they are going to do away with the trolley,  I sure hope not.  My friend, Tom, used to drive this bus around the city.  He really enjoyed it when he did this fun gig..  I took the Big Bus a few years ago and it was a lot of sun. I saw things and places I never saw before.  You can get on and off the bus all days.  I hope they continue this service so I can do it again this summer.

Does anyone know the status of the Trolley and the Big Buses?