Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Winter's Warmth

10" x 14"

In a few days, spring should be hitting us in a few days.  These are some sad times with this Caronavirus.  We are supposed to stay in our homes for the next 14 days.  If you need to get food you can order and pick up or have delivered.  All restaurants, bars and casinos are closed for customers to visit their locations.  Groceries stores are running out of supplies.  TP is a high commodity these days.  My hands are so chapped from all of the washing and sanitizing.  My house is really getting a good cleaning.

So Maybe I will catch up with posting my new paintings.  Since you are confined to your home, come back often.

Go and check out my new and improved website at:

Stay well all my viewers...Peace....This, too, shall pass.

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