Sunday, May 31, 2020

Tea and Tulips

10" x 14"
still life

Some days you just need to pick or purchase some flowers for yourself. Right now I am busy planting my flowers for summer and for future paintings.  You will have to come back and watch for them for I am really inspired by flowers..

Tea is always a good way to unwind...So pour yourself a cup of tea and check out my paintings.  What is your favorite type of tea?  Cookies?

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The City is Closed

14" x 21"

It was really strange the first time we went up to the city during the shut down.  I don't remember ever seeing it this isolated.  But with the next two visits there were more people out and about...Chicago is supposed to open June 1.  Can't wait to hit my favorite pen shop....Atlas Stationers. They had to postpone the Chicago Pen show till Sept.  Hope that is still a go.

Keep staying well...Plant some flowers....back to planting for me....and painting...Need to paint my new black wrought iron bench white so that it will show off the pretty flowers I want to put on it....

Sunday, May 24, 2020

"Chicago Living" Up North

14" x 21"

It's Memorial Day Weekend.  The kickoff to summer.  This summer we will have to all do our best to make the most of it. It won't be the usual Memorial Day Celebrations, but it will be the same day that we need to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom.  Proudly wave the Red, White and Blue.  Have a great summer and don't forget to social distance, wash your hands and wear a mask. Peace.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Waiting to Go Out

14" x 21"

During these challenging times, we realize how important those little things that we took for granted can be taken away.  Here in Indiana we are starting to open up a bit, but being 35 miles south of Chicago they are still in lock down and it seems like they will be for a while.

I did go up to Chicago three times during these past 2 months to take some photos for future paintings. The first time I went to the city there was no one up there.  Just a few cars and a few people.  Great time to take photos.  Then on the second trip there were signs of people and a few more cars.  This last trip about a week ago was more like what I am used to seeing.  Lots of people live in Chicago so they need to get out.  It was a lovely warm day.  Most had masks on but not all.  

I know things will never be as they were, but we are strong people and we will adjust and move on.  We have learned so much during this time.

Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Greening of Indiana

10" x 14"

Spring has finally arrived in Indiana...birds are singing, plants and flowers are starting to pop their heads out.  People are getting out of their houses.  You'd think it was a normal day....but it is not...and won't be.  Now we all have to work together to figure out what is the new normal...Gloves, masks, six feet apart.  We will figure it out....we always do.  Stay well.

Monday, May 11, 2020

Six Feet Away

7" x 10"

While I was up in the Chicago Loop area, I saw these folks sitting on a bench near the Lake.  I thought this would be a good way to document this pandemic. I decided to separate them a little bit least 6 feet away.  Stay Well. Be careful as we begin opening up.

Friday, May 8, 2020

At the Depot

14" x 21"

Just a little local scene here in Griffith, IN...we  are a small town and this is one of my favorite places.  We have many railroad tracks here in this town.  They ever have a festival every year called "Rockin Rails."  It has lots of food, music and so many people have come to this event every year.  I wonder if they will have this event this year or try to move it to another area.  It is a few blocks long, even has an old car show for two days.  It is always super crowded.  We will see what happens by Labor Day.  Continue to stay well as we slowly begin to open up.  Have a blest weekend.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Cooling Mills Are Running

10" x 14"

During these challenging times I had the chance to go out about four or fine times on photos shoots....that was a good break. I am also learning how to go through the drive through and eat in the car on these "dates" with my hubby.  Sure am learning a lot during these times and have cooked up a bunch of food.   Time to make my famous pineapple upside down cake.
Stay well...

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Little Friend


One of the challenges for the Daily Paintworks was to paint your pet...Daily Paintworks is a group on line.  I have been in this group for a looong time.  We would get a challenge every week....I have done every one of these challenges...Some, I will admit, were really challenging.

Check out my work at  (or something like that) to see all of my work and you can also make purchases of my work from my web that I have with them or you can go to my website at :

Since I no longer have a pet, i borrowed one from a friend.

Sunday, May 3, 2020


10" x 14"

Trying to bring sunshine and smiles to these days...soon it will be time to plant flowers....can't wait...I wonder if they deliver...  stay well.

Friday, May 1, 2020


14" x 10"

During these stay home days, I have been painting a lot.  I am enjoying that part of it.  

While I am painting, I have completed 10 more painting packets.  Now I have 21 different packets you can purchase.  These are step-by-step instruction packets with photos/illustration of each step.  The packet also has a drawing that you can work from.  If you are interested, email me and I will be happy to send you my list of all the packets or you can purchase this packet.

I also have a line of over 500 designs of greet cards.  You may need some cards to cheer up some of your friends.  You can order those too,.  Stay well.