Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Waiting to Go Out

14" x 21"

During these challenging times, we realize how important those little things that we took for granted can be taken away.  Here in Indiana we are starting to open up a bit, but being 35 miles south of Chicago they are still in lock down and it seems like they will be for a while.

I did go up to Chicago three times during these past 2 months to take some photos for future paintings. The first time I went to the city there was no one up there.  Just a few cars and a few people.  Great time to take photos.  Then on the second trip there were signs of people and a few more cars.  This last trip about a week ago was more like what I am used to seeing.  Lots of people live in Chicago so they need to get out.  It was a lovely warm day.  Most had masks on but not all.  

I know things will never be as they were, but we are strong people and we will adjust and move on.  We have learned so much during this time.

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