Thursday, July 30, 2020

"Back Packing Chicago"

12" x 16"

Walking the streets in the city with a pack pack on his back.  Now we wonder...what is in that pack....I say it is art supplies.  What is your guess?

Stay well.  Stay strong.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

The New Normal

10" x 14"

I am sure that by now we are all trying to figure out the new normal....I think most people are getting used to wearing masks.  You keep me safe and I will keep you safe...  Hopefully soon they will tell us that we no longer have to wear them.  Keep social distancing....but feel free to shop for my work on line.

Stay Well. Stay Safe.

Monday, July 27, 2020

Biking Chicago


I would have to say the best way to get around in Chicago is on a bike....but I am not crazy enough to ride the city....

Stay well.  Stay safe.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Afternoon Glow-Chicago

watercolor 11" x 15"

I love being in the city at the right time of afternoon when the sun slices light into the landscape and the shadows are nice and long and intriguing. .

Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Thursday, July 23, 2020


watercolor 14" x 10"

I tried to grow these many times but never had any luck.  This year I tried in a different garden and it was so pretty,

Hope you are out in your gardens and they are doing well for you and giving you much beauty.

Stay well.  Be strong.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020



Here are some more of my garden flowers that I planted this year.   Most of the flowers are doing really well...good weather and lots of watering.  Not to forget....lots of love.

Well time to go out into the gardens to talk to the flowers, to take time to smell them and to weed, water and feed them.

Stay well.  Stay Strong.

Monday, July 20, 2020



My daisies in the front garden were very lovely.  I think the ones in my back gardens were really tasty...You will have to ask the rabbits and other critters.   At least they gave me a lot of subject matter to paint.

Stay Well !!  Stay Strong !!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

"On the Porch"

14" x 10"

I love summer with all of scents and sounds...birds, butterflys, pretty flowers, green grass, summer rains, living easy...

What are some of your favorite things about summer?

Stay strong.  Stay Well.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

A Rose


I have gardens all around my house,  That means that I have a variety of flowers and plants.  Yes, this does take a lot of time to keep them looking good.  As I get older, that slows me down, too.  But I am going to do this as long as I can.

Take time to smell the flowers.  Stay Well.  Stay Strong.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020


7" x 10"

When I think of summer I always think of waterlilies.  My friends have a pond that had some lovely flowers a few years ago so I was able to get some good reference photos.  I will have revisit their pond to see how they are growing this year.
Hope this brightens your day....

Stay Well!!  Stay Safe!!

Sunday, July 12, 2020


7" x 10"

One of the first flowers of spring after the crocus and trillium are the Tulips.  Wish they would bloom all summer.  After these are done blooming, then it is time, or in this case, was time, to start my planting.  As of this writing my gardens are all planted and in bloom.  That is part of why I am behind in posting....and I also have been so busy painting.  You will have to keep coming back to see the new subjects that I have painted.

Have a great week.  Stay well and stay safe.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Chicago Living - Up North

14" x 21"

Love the homes up in the city of Chicago.  I think it would be cool to live up there but I can't imagine what the parking would be like...Bet they have to fight for those few parking spots...or they just do not have a car and they take public transportation

Stay Well and Stay Safe.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020


10" x 7"

The awesome foxglove grow in my garden.  One of my favorites...I will let you in on a secret, they are all my favorite flowers.  Don't let the other flowers know.

Be Well.  Stay Safe.

Monday, July 6, 2020


7" x 10"

I sure planted a lot of flowers this gets harder every year but I am determined.  I love how pretty all of my gardens look and I spend a lot of time keeping them up.  

As I get older the arthritis make it harder to get around or up and down.  But, there is nothing like getting all the latest dirt.  Today it is in the 90s so I guess the garden I wanted to re landscape will have to wait.   

This year with the Covid virus it made it even harder to do.  When we were finally able to go out to shop ,I will admit, I had apprehensions.  I also had my mask, gloves and hand sanitizer.  The selection wasn't as great as it usually was, but all in all, I think I did really well.  My discover bill has proof of that.  lol.

Stay cool, Stay Well.  Stay safe. Don't forget to water those flowers.

Sunday, July 5, 2020

"Yellow Zinnia"

7" x 10"

I planted them so now I can paint them.... hope you are enjoying your Holiday weekend...

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Bleeding Hearts and Sunny Flowers

watercolor on canvas 
12" x 12"

Some times it is good to shake things up a bit and try new or different things.    Life 101.   This is a regular watercolor done on watercolor canvas.   All kind of things happen when working on this canvas.   You can get a Batik type of style.
Having fun in the studio..

here's another bonus for today....Sunny Flowers.
This is a watercolor on paper... I am so far behind on posting my new works that I thought I would give you two today.

Stay well, stay safe,  Kathy

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

It's Lonely in the City

14" x 21"

Chicago during the Covid 19 shutdown was really a lonely empty city.  Maybe it was empty with all the people, cars and traffic, but all the beauty of the city was open.  I was able to see all the architectural structures, the lake and open spaces.  These sure are different times.  This, too, shall pass.

Stay well.  Be safe.