Monday, July 6, 2020


7" x 10"

I sure planted a lot of flowers this gets harder every year but I am determined.  I love how pretty all of my gardens look and I spend a lot of time keeping them up.  

As I get older the arthritis make it harder to get around or up and down.  But, there is nothing like getting all the latest dirt.  Today it is in the 90s so I guess the garden I wanted to re landscape will have to wait.   

This year with the Covid virus it made it even harder to do.  When we were finally able to go out to shop ,I will admit, I had apprehensions.  I also had my mask, gloves and hand sanitizer.  The selection wasn't as great as it usually was, but all in all, I think I did really well.  My discover bill has proof of that.  lol.

Stay cool, Stay Well.  Stay safe. Don't forget to water those flowers.

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